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UFO Report from Rutland, Vermont

Report: 765

December 9, 2022

Witnessed what looked like stars at first, but when closely analyzed the stars appeared to float in random directions and release barely visible smaller versions of the light in an every 2 second or so pattern. I came to the conclusion these must be some sort of ship releasing smaller drones or ships. The smaller ones would dart out of the bigger ones very quickly and kind of move around randomly for a second, then seem to catch a trajectory that seemed it was looking for, and head on that path. These bigger ones that release the smaller ones were numerous when I realized what was happening. Now I know what is a star and what is not based on these sightings. They are happening every night where I live. Sometimes even visible when stars are not. I believe they are using stars as camouflage.


Thanks for your report. I believe my orb sighting was also some type of alien drones sent out by a ship, although I didn't know to look for a ship at the time and I was so mesmerized by what I was seeing that my eyes were locked on them. Vermont and Massachusetts seem to get a great many orb sightings. If you could get some video footage we'd love to take a look.

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