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Vermont UFO Reports

Date City Report# Description
01/21/2023 Shelburne 880 A 100 ft object w/bright red light at the front and white light thru body of object hovered approximately 1000 feet above me with no sound coming from the UFO….the lights from the object were consta...
12/21/2022 North Troy 589 My wife and I were on our way home from a friends house in Orleans Vermont when I happened to glance up to the sky and noticed some unusual lights and movement so we proceeded to drive to Newport Verm...
12/09/2022 Rutland 765 Witnessed what looked like stars at first, but when closely analyzed the stars appeared to float in random directions and release barely visible smaller versions of the light in an every 2 second or s...
08/12/2022 West fairlee 594 While doing security at a resort at approx 2am a boomerang shaped object appeared above me about 500 ft extremely huge no sound entire craft was a bluish white pointed my light at it it was as if you ...
09/28/2018 Wells River 290 Wells River area a orange ordnance the size of a football field came across mountain top moveing slow disappearing into a black hole no stars could be seen within the hole a white mist like smoke ring...
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