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Texas UFO Reports

Date City Report# Description
01/01/1970 Freeport 1638 Bright triangle in the clear sky. It appeared out of nowhere then slowly disappeared within seconds. It was as bright as lighting in the sky. Me and my sister saw it around 8:23PM on 9/11/2023 on our ...
01/01/1970 Dallas 1706 Observed a pulsating pair of round connected blue lights at 11pm 10-7-23. I first noticed the lights traveling from north to south at about 55 degrees from the horizon to the east. The lights stopped...
01/01/1970 Alice 1955 I am infected by a parasite as Adam Ortiz or alaniz gave me this parasite the people on second st live on a basement with straws the man in the back women in the front get 100000 dollars a year
01/01/1970 Bluffdale 2004 I was at my family&#39s place in Bluffdale Texas and it&#39s way out in the country we can see the stars really well and I was just watching some stars and I noticed one started moving and it was movi...
01/01/1970 Mcallen 2088 Bend Singing ufo by my house for the last couple of days the sun's not setting like it used to something is wrong in the universe
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