Report: 911
November 3, 2022
While fishing in Boca Grande from the beach. As I was casting into the NW I observed a object cylindrical in shape, it had like maybe 3-4 rows of what I would call panel/ window thàt glowed and it had streams of glowing gases or like a glow when you look into the ambers of a bonfir. I quickly called my friend who was fishing with me to look and let's see if we can figured out what it was. It was totally still and then it was gone NW in second, just disappeared.i know SpaceX at a lunch to the East. Maybe it was observing that. It was not a drone it was huge. I have been on this earth for 64 years and I never observed anything like that in my lifetime. That's why I made sure I had a witness. "IT WAS DEFINITELY A UFO" NO DOUBT IN MY MIND.