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UFO Report from Spring, Texas

Report: 797

January 15, 2023

Saw a silver orb/ ball with headlights. Obviously a spherical/ beetle shape in the clouds. At first I was confused, I was at work taking trash out behind the movie theater and I was thinking it must’ve been a plane or a drone. But I’ve never seen something of such this size, like bigger than a truck for sure. And the beams of light coming out of the front were shooting like 30-50 feet through the clouds like they were nothing. It was a thick and cloudy night tonight. Whatever it was was too small to be a plane and too large to of been a drone. It disappeared with incredible speed. I’ve seen this type of siting two different times now in the same month. No way this isn’t a UAP or some sort of military technology. The theater produces a huge amount of light pollution, enough to see for miles around. I believe it’s attracting in/ luring in these UAPs might be Russian or alien. Who knows: either way they’re getting closer.


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