Report: 779
January 14, 2023
I witnessed this UFO as I was driving my car up to a stop sign in my home town of Huntington, Arkansas. It caught my eye at first being bright and orange(seemingly like most other meteorite entries into our atmosphere) so I decided to stop longer at this particular stop sign to go ahead and witness this meteorites entire entry and possible impact location possibly. As I have been very interested in trying to locate meteorites that may survive the fall, as they are worth a considerable coin. However this is when it gets weirder than weird, the trajectory of this supposed meteorite began to curve upwards as well as slowing down at a relatively fast decrease in speed. As anyone should know meteorites don't slow down and certainly do not change direction in the fashion I seen so clearly. As I was quite shocked at the unusual event I just witnessed, it still gets more weird. The orange vibrant light that was a constant light no blinking no pauses. It was constant. It literally stops abruptly and instantly changes to the blue light that flickers of typical aircraft. To me it was as if this UFO literally disguised itself as a meteorite entry at first, then changed instantly to a blue blinking light that was going so much slower at this point, seemingly floating towards Mansfield at a real slow pace much slower than the immense speed it approached the earth when I first caught my eye on it. Continuing to blink this "normal blue blinking aircraft light and heading further over the town of mansfield approximately 1 mile away, I then left that stop sign and went to the convenient store my initial destination, and as I was purchasing my stuff, I told this exact same experience to my good friend that works at said convenient store and I'm not even kidding you. The moment I was done telling him what I just seen, ALL the lights in Mansfield and Huntington both at the same time went dark! And it lasted about 30 seconds, turned back on briefly, and once again the entire electricity of both towns went dark for around another 30 seconds or so and once again came right back on. It was absolutely chilling when it came to timing that the moment im done telling what I just seen the electricity goes dark 2 times. It was enough to literally scare my convenient store working friend shitless. And to be honest it scared me too. Because I know what I seen. It sure and the hell wasn't a meteorite morphing into an airplane then blacking out both small towns immediately after I witnessed its decent. I refuse to believe a meteorite would change its trajectory let alone instantly changing into a blue blinking light. And that's my experience. By the way at that time there was no other airplanes or aircraft of any kind in or around the area I seen this UFO at the time it exposed itself to me.