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UFO Report from Humble, Texas

Report: 657

January 1, 2023

Very large super natural force from space keeps talking to me claiming aliens created earth, most humans and other life forms on earth are fake only a few are actually alive and if they are there is alien life around them keeping them alive they seem friendly at first then slowly become threats it’s goal is to haunt you till you die like a ghost tragically there not that smart but there powers are extreme! They seem easily frustrated by how the human mind works this force has been following me for 3yrs I’m slowing figuring them out but it won’t leave alone until I die if ever encountered with a alien life in your home leave the premises and don’t come back it will try to live with you! I’m reporting from my car in the middle of the woods if In closed doors with a alien it might try to get you to kill yourself with items such as pills, knifes, ropes, try not to drive to much it can fly! And will cause a car accident resulting in deaths so far it seems like the only way to get rid of a REAL alien is to eliminate yourself it’s using you as a host aliens need host! They don’t see like humans or think like humans there powers work like a copy machine I’ve seen it make fake humans cars and buildings in a flash! But it doesn’t seem to understand what it just created it’s using your brain to function like a human to kill and destroy! Nothing else they are no good! Sadly it tells me that if it dies so will the earth I have no clue why this type of creature would be haunting me


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