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UFO Report from Kayenta, Arizona

Report: 1939

July 12, 2024

I was outside working on my brakes and I heard a what sounded like a drone. I looked up and saw two drones flying around and they seem to be transparent.After I saw the drones I notice more and more drones everywhere and they seem to have notice my presence. Through out the whole day I kept seeing them, then I started to see some strange things moving around behind the clouds. I took some videos of what I saw on my Smartphone and edited with some filters and saw some motherships in the clouds. As day turned into night I seen different colored orbs in the sky plus a lot more orbs. It looks as if they were doing surveillance and it started to look almost like the scene from Red Dawn. I am still noticing UAP's the next day through to the night and last night there were even more strange things moving around in the night and looked transparent, but when you look through my smartphone you can actually see them. Strange looking UAP's. It's kind of getting a little freaky with them still up there. Yesterday when I noticed the drones, there was something else seem to be heading down towards the ground.


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