Report: 1717
October 10, 2023
Was watching the meteor showers for fun when I seen 2 fast green lights go across the sky I kept watching but didn't see anything then I got my binoculars and changed clothes cause it was only like 35 degrees outside came back and was waiting tell I saw a black object moving extremely fast by stars heading north from the south I saw it with my eyes then was thinking what is that in the sky so I lined up the binoculars on same sight and it looked like a massive circular black and Grey object going past the leftside of the moon going north this thing seemed incredibly fast and disappeared into the incoming clouds but kept the line it was on into clouds and saw it on a opening of clouds then I saw lightning from the clouds below and then it was gone this was at like 4:45 to 5 Am then I told my wife tgen went back out went back out at around 6:22 Am I seen a light going among the stars going extremely fast going north by the moon and it went from south to north again and I lost it in the clouds then reappeared going south like extremely fast in the clouds then followed it's trail and saw it in binoculars and it appeared like it had lights on both wings or like a diamond triangle shape but the speed and the height made it impossible to be a plane or meteor plus it went straight and fm what i seen in a matter of 2 hours is not something I've ever seen it stay in line both ways.