Report: 1533
January 1, 1970
Someone sent this Websight to me some time ago but my computer was down. I don't have new sights to mention but mainly I stopped looking. I actually watched and took pictures, every night for several months and even had something come within six feet of my house but made no sound.I actually put out a book about everything called "Night lights over Greeneville" by Pauline E.Petsel.The reason I am sending this is in case you are interested in what I learned by the experiences because I have pictures that match what people are seeing 'now', and I have information about them. (I even was in communication for a while with a professional in Norway who posted something they picked up on their24 hr. cameras and it matched one I got here the same time.I know why our planes can't catch them, and I have thoughts about them being friendly and here to help. Just thought I'd mention this in case you might be interested and might find some information that could help.