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UFO Report from Webster, Florida

Report: 1263

February 22, 2023

I came out my home at around 4am because I heard a Piece of metal sheeting, make noise I build metal buildings for a living so I’ve got sheeting Laid down in Several spots I thought maybe somebody was trying to steal some material so that’s why I decided to come out with a BB gun in my hands pointing towards the metal building I have in my back yard I pointed towards the building I think it was like three to five minutes I was thinking if there’s somebody there then they’ll see that I have a gun and run but nothing was there and for some reason I look to my left and there it was hovering like 15 feet away and 15 feet up in the air just hovering without making noise I thought maybe it was a sheriffs drone because I was Recently arrested by the Sumter County Sheriff’s Department and I thought maybe they were checking on me but come to think I think it was a UFO because it made no noise and it . Was like 6 feet wide. It had a white lights and as soon as I seen it. It started turning around then the lights turned red two of them like eyes I ran in to put my boots on and to grab my Machete when I came back out it was far I could still see it but not as well as when it was 15 feet away


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