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UFO Report from Nashville , Tennessee

Report: 1246

June 19, 2022

My wife and I had went outside on our front porch to smoke a cigarette. I looked up and was watching a large passenger jet flying west to east at around 25,000 feet that was leaving a con trail. When suddenly in front of the jet 3 or 4 bright red/orange lights appeared on a craft that was tic tac shape,dull grey color hovering vertically tilted around 15 degrees to the west. The lights were staggered running the length of the craft that was around 40 feet in length. I thought for sure they were going to hit each other but somehow they didn't. After the jet passed by the craft the lights on the craft went out and it was very hard to see the craft because of the dull gray color. The craft moved slowly to the west then suddenly was just gone. My wife couldn't see the craft because of how faint it was and blended into the clear sky. The time was 8:00pm.


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