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Oklahoma UFO Reports

Date City Report# Description
06/15/2017 Tulsa 783 Im not sure if the date, but it was summertime for sure. I was living with friends in a 2 story home in the last house at a dead end road. There was a small patch of woods 10 ft. away from their house...
06/01/2006 Little Axe 1139 This happened years ago and the exact date is unknown but is close to this incident. We never knew how to report or wanted to report it since nobody ever believed us when we would tell this story. I w...
04/16/1982 Bartlesville 2011 I am convinced that every person here report is true, I am just reporting this event as I can best recall. date is aprox. Barlesville Oklahoma, last bell for school is out for the day. I had a par t...
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