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Maryland UFO Reports

Date City Report# Description
09/30/2018 Bel Air 1884 I was getting ready for bed but when I looked out the window I saw a oval with rainbow lights on the circumference of the object a few seconds later It disappeared.
09/08/2018 Conowingo 1032 In 2018 I&#39m standing outside on a clear night on my front deck and off in the distance this light came into view. At first I thought it was a helicopter from it&#39s front light . But this light wo...
03/01/1998 Reisterstown 29 This is an old even that happened to me in the spring of 1998 in Reisterstown, Maryland. I was driving home around midnight in a residential area. There were houses on both sides of the street. All of...
02/10/1988 Waldorf 1058 I was driving home from a date at about 4AM. I was on route 5 just north of Waldorf MD when I saw police lights in the distance. I figured it was a checkpoint so I wasn&#39t worried about it. When I g...
09/16/1976 Baltimore 1084 1976 3:00am bright light came from above could see nothing but the light at Lincoln and Bellona Avenue lutherville, Maryland the light went off could see or hear nothing looked around the sky and a bl...
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