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Maine UFO Reports

Date City Report# Description
08/03/2024 Kingfield 1961 I was visiting my sister in Kingfield Maine. I saw these objects of blue dots. I also saw images during this occurrence of body like having multiple colors. I watched them hovering above my car and em...
01/10/2024 Harrison 1756 Around 0600 While driving to work. I was on the backside of Long Lake. I was driving on 117 in Harrison. As I was coming by the boat launch there was a large object around 500ft or so up in the air. I...
09/10/2023 WATERVILLE 1624 Driving on I-95 at 12:40 a.m. from Waterville to Augusta near Sydney Maine. Had a single light, not bright, suddenly appear behind us out of nowhere and started following us. The light was in the cent...
06/30/2023 Searsport 1814 We were driving south on the Bangor road. I looked to the sky East over the bay and saw a perfectly round, with a hollow center, like a donut. For approximately 5 minutes. I took a pic and we went on ...
03/02/2023 Fryeburg 1402 Two bright lights moving towards eachother, disappearing then reappearing. Event lasted a while. The lights were color changing. There appeared to be a third “light” for 2 seconds before disappear...
02/26/2023 Limestone 1372 A bright light from an object emitting its own light, traveling through the sky towards the ground and a flash. Ring doorbell and other cameras caught the event.
02/13/2023 Saco 1138 Huge string of lights in the sky over Saco tonight.
02/13/2023 Hancock 1132 We were in the car my 10 year old daughter started freaking out I couldn&#39t see anything I suddenly pulled over then slammed the car into park when we saw thousands if not more of white lights movin...
02/13/2023 Saco 1135 Huge string of lights in the sky over Saco tonight.
01/24/2023 Appleton 913 Colorful bright light hovering and quickly moving 245° south west at 1:25am-1:45am seen from appleton maine, looked like a super bright flashlight was looking around and fled really quickly, I though...
01/15/2023 Gray 794 There is something giant in our backyard on Mayberry road and gray. I can see its lights through the trees. Different colored lights. It’s windy and blustery and the snow is going but it almost feel...
11/20/2022 Augusta/Randolph 233 I was driving from Augusta towards Randolph on route 9 at approx. 7:10pm and I saw three bright white lights in the sky, just above the tree line, approaching towards me from the river. It seemed to b...
11/20/2022 vassalboro 235 blue lights in the sky three of them. blue lightning in the middle of them. they stayed in one place for 15 minutes, then slowey took off in different directions
11/04/2022 Freeport 108 Spaceships that move when i look up, I left my report with the fb and on Facebook at Kesnel Maxime and instagram at kesneljr. I have videos too.
07/28/2003 Waterville 1567 Seen multiple ufos with my brother they were on western Ave Waterville, Maine. Double v formation one looked like a helicopter no noise scanning houses like bar code in a store also one above the hous...
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