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Illinois UFO Reports

Date City Report# Description
12/05/2022 Chicago 336 At 4:00 am i look up through my skylight to see the stars, i saw one which I initially thought was a star but then i saw it was blinking red and blue, i watched it for a while, i thought it was a mete...
12/04/2022 Carol Stream 372 12/4/22 oppox 2:30am.filmed a space ship coming out of a black hole. This UFO was Bright circular object spitting around fast shooting out little Sparks as it rapidly move through the sky changing dir...
12/01/2022 Lake Zurich 308 3 orbs in the sky multiple video and pictures.
11/24/2022 Blue island 263 I was outside my house when I saw four green lights in the south west sky around 6:30pm watched it move straight north in a couple seconds then stop and sit for a couple minutes the move north again a...
11/23/2022 Flora 257 I was outside of my house with my dog around 12:30AM and I saw this big black triangular object come from the north/west over my house. There were no lights and it was completely silent. It just glide...
11/11/2022 Berwyn 156 I would like someone to reach out to me at the email ive sent to do a well check in these two areas, Berwyn, and Chicago il there have been sightings.
11/11/2022 Woodridge 229 I seen multiple white lights in a straight line that then all came together and changed colors and shapes…. I caught it on video
11/10/2022 Naperville 152 At 11:02 pm there were at least 10-20 lights circling each other in front of moon, above the clouds, changing cloud colors from blue to purple then around 11:03 vanished. I was faced directly East. I ...
11/06/2022 Lena 125 Bright object - three circles close together in a triangular shape. Was at a 40-degree angle to the earth - above the tree line. I live close to the Illinois/Wisconsin border and I was facing south w...
12/30/2021 Winnebago 341 The wife and I witnessed a blue green orb flying over us ,it was so clear
08/12/2016 Chicago 1752 Huge triangle ufo over rainbow beach parking lot was full happened around 945 10pm each light turned on like a fluorescent bulb glitching on one at a time. Red lights object was tilted with point bein...
01/01/1970 Neoga 2053 Seen space craft refueling or something form the moon in cigar like craft clothes of them
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