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Idaho UFO Reports

Date City Report# Description
12/13/2024 test 2059 testing better code
12/13/2024 test 2060 testing better code
04/22/2024 Lewiston 1872 I seen a bright colorfull orb moving erratically in the sky. I pulled out my s 22 ultra and it showed very colorful orb moving around. <p><a href="https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/f3t5mnifjza9i1jnxi9...
04/03/2024 Pocatello 1839 Was taking pictures and later noticed it my pictures day black and blue mass where do I upload pics.
10/05/2023 Buhl 1690 My dad and I were just on the way back from the store at night and it was around 9:27-9:28 i had seen a red light blinking in the sky and at first i thought nothing of it till we got a little closer a...
02/16/2023 Meridian 1185 It was approximately 7:20 MST in south of Meridian, ID. I was taking my dog outside per usual before bedtime, and very clear night, I saw in the distance...hard to gage the distance but several miles ...
01/18/2023 Nampa 837 Last night I went stargazing and when I went home there was a star. I have an app that shows me stars and there wasn’t a star where the light was. It stayed in the same place for and hour until I go...
01/07/2023 Bruneau 732 I saw three UAPS flying east and low over the mountains near Bruneau Idaho yesterday they were there massive black triangles flying in a triangle formation at about 1130am. They were flying southeast ...
01/02/2023 Bonners Ferry 774 Saw a color flashing bright light in sky that would occasionally move quickly. It was there the entire night. Have photos and video. Many people saw it and posted about it in town.
01/01/2023 Pocatello 644 3 white then to red objects were moving around in the sky. They would go up into the clouds then go down to where i could not see them behind the neighbors houses. They would then go back up into the ...
12/27/2022 bonners ferry 610 <p>---Report has been verified to be a hoax.---</p> ---"I took a picture of a video in the picture it shows 2 very large U A P when the video does not show the UAP the picture does and they are v...
11/14/2022 Boise 196 Solid Bright red light in Eastern sky. Non moving for at least 15 minutes. Lined up telescope, no body visible, saw it had 2 red lights in a line, with a blinking green light. Once I went to take a pi...
11/13/2022 Boise 191 I was looking out at the sky through my window do at night and I see a strange blinking light. I assumed it was a plane but on the flight radar there was nothing in that direction. So I take a picture...
09/27/2021 Bouse 762 About a year ago I had lung cancer and they removed part of my lung.after two months of complications,they decided to scrub the inside of the removal area and I kept on having complications after that...
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