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Florida UFO Reports

Date City Report# Description
11/30/1987 Ocala 781 1988, large diamond shaped craft in the ocala national forest. Craft appeared to be taking water from lake Bryant, after about 5 minutes they must have noticed that we could see them and the craft spl...
01/01/1970 Daytona beach 898 Was driving home saw a blue light move extremely fast right as I started to notice it. Was too fast to be a plane or helicopter or anything human. 1/23/23
01/01/1970 Milton 971 A line of lights like a battalion in formation with white lights and an almost haze like aura around them. They vanished into the moon
01/01/1970 Ft Lauderdale 1377 2 bright lights stationary on 12 th St Ft Lauderdale FL. Between Bayview and Seminole
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