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Connecticut UFO Reports

Date City Report# Description
10/05/2024 Branford 1999 We have short video
10/05/2024 2000 Sat on my back steps to have a cigarette at about 9:00pm. I looked to my right and a bright blueish white light flashed from about ten feet down from neighbors tall maple for about a second before goi...
08/05/2024 Torrington 1960 My neighbor for over a year believes there are aliens living in him. He says he feels them inside him moving and is constantly taking pictures of them on his arms and legs. He has gone as far as drink...
03/01/2023 Colchester 1375 Colchester ct. I was driving on route 2 by exit 21. I noticed some lights that at first looked like an airplane. However, as I was driving closer to the object I noticed it was just hovering there. Th...
02/14/2023 Clinton 1153 Clinton CT saw what appeared to be a jet stream however it was coming down towards earth and not going up. It disappeared and shortly later one by one a few more appeared. One was l traveling in a Ea...
02/02/2023 Bridgeport 961 I was walking out of the Bridgeport wonderland ice rink around 9 pm est when I saw two spherical balls of light seemingly coming closer. At first I thought they were airplanes but as they got closer I...
02/02/2023 Bridgeport 1306 I was walking out of the Bridgeport wonderland ice rink around 9 pm est when I saw two spherical balls of light seemingly coming closer. At first I thought they were airplanes but as they got closer I...
01/18/2023 Bloomfield 853 One of the stars moved out of position and then another. One noticed that I could see it, and began to dance for me. After a few minutes, it seems like it contacted it&#39s buddies and 4x more showed ...
12/19/2022 Niantic 574 Far distance, red tint, round, started above Orion to the south east. Moved in a 3 sided square pattern, then to the north a short distance, then same type of partial circle then again to the north. ...
12/05/2022 Westport 345 Literally just saw this 10:20 PM in Westport. Looked like a blinking star at first, but was way too close and appeared to be hovering. Suddenly shot straight up in the air over the tree line.
11/28/2022 Stamford 296 Leaving work yesterday around 4:30 I spotted a bright object flying above the parking lot downtown Stamford ct. Location of sighting 1351 Washington BLVD.
01/01/1970 Plainfield 1333 Running out to play one summer day (1952ish) I was abruptly grabbed by my father who asked me "Do you see those" as he pointed to the sky. Being only 6+ years old I asked him what they were. He did ...
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