
Colorado UFO Reports

Explore UFO sightings in Colorado. Witnesses have reported strange lights, unidentified flying objects, and unexplained aerial phenomena across the state. Below are the latest reports.

Date City Report# Description
06/01/2024 Denver 1891 Just now 5 minutes ago…….still zagging over Denver. I am not crazy
05/31/2024 Tarryall/lake george 1894 A group of 5 people camping at a dispersed campground off of Tarryall Rd. Access to China Wall Trailhead, just north east of Badger Mountain. A clear night 10:30pm, clear view of the tower complex on ...
04/12/2024 Salida 1865 My fiance and I witnessed a bright light as we were heading in to town from my parents house. I took out my phone and made recording of it. It changed colors from white to red to blue to green. Wo...
03/22/2024 Colorado springs 1784 My husband was starting up his car and I looked up at the stars while waiting for him in our front yard. There was a dark mass, what we thought to be a satellite, flying over. I pointed up and asked i...
02/27/2024 Longmont 1769 Solid black orb glowing red flew over i25 with another identical orb near the 245 exit. Were rising in elevation, flying higher than drones but lower than planes, made traffic slow down. Were silent a...
11/01/2023 White river city 1821 I was on my yearly hunting trip to Colorado, camped by Rio Blanco lake on hwy 64 near Piceance creek road. I had just started to go pee while I was facing southwest and over the mountain came what I c...
10/01/2023 Montrose 1714 Outside my aunt's house near Cobble Creek golf course. Saw a perfectly aligned set of lights moving through the air. My husband saw it as well. I ran inside to get phone and by time I was out it ...
09/09/2023 Grand junction 1629 Large half moon shape on the Grand Mesa that lit up the forest in front of me at around 1am.
05/12/2023 Greeley 1507 I was at a park sitting on a table talking to my wife, who was at home w the kids when something Very shiny and illuminating in the sky caught my eye. There was 3 other people w me but doing their own...
05/04/2023 Aurora 1504 Went out on porch. Saw like lots of lights spaced evenly apart like balls. We got our cell phones and recorded. The picture is a lot foggyer than what was really happening.
02/27/2023 Louisville 1324 ~7:30pm while star gazing and on a dog walk I viewed an amorphous cluster of lights appearing like group of balloons but illuminated. It was hard to judge distance but at least as high as low flying a...
02/25/2023 Thornton 1294 8:45 PM was in my backyard hotub looking at the stars and my Wife and I both witnessed a black triangle shape flying object. To be honest it looked triangle shape with a little more sleekness. It was ...
02/25/2023 Mead 1300 1:20am in Mead, Colorado.- White flashing orb moving across the sky - not a satellite, not an airplane. I got a good video - speaks for itself.
02/25/2023 Colorado springs 1309 Early evening saw massive glowing oval shaped light moving north low to mtn top. Went to grab my phone camera and it disappeared in the few secs it took to get phone. Knew it wasnt plane, no blinking ...
02/19/2023 Peyton 1224 Strange illuminated light in the sky out of bedroom window. Light disappeared when I got up to look out of window. Reappeared shortly after laying back down. Keeps turning off in on in the sky. Not a ...
02/15/2023 Fort lupton 1161 A blue triangle was shooting across the night sky and I have good pictures looks like a pyramid or triangle next to the moon please contact me via email.
01/31/2023 Littleton 954 I let my dogs out and I looked in the sky and I saw this star like object just glowing and flashing. it wasn’t a plane or a drone because after about 2 hours it just flashed bright and disappeared int...
12/30/2022 Trinidad 641 I have witnessed these things for weeks now. At 1st I noticed they were orbs in the sky at night. They seem to also notice me. Last night was the 1st time I've seen it in a different form. The form...
12/17/2022 Colorado springs 555 While I was driving back home from the car wash I seen a disc shaped object with lights all around it. I lowered my window down to make sure it wasn't a reflection of some light but nope it was sti...
12/17/2022 Fort collins 563 We sing and I have photos of a long Ship flying pretty low and you could see all of the lights inside the ship on It was very quiet and moved pretty slow until it disappeared into the night.
Hunting UFOs - My UFO Encounter- Orbs